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Numbing is not recommended for skin rejuvenation treatments.

You may choose to take a couple paracetamol prior to your appointment. Please do not take aspirin or ibuprofen unless medically required as this can increase the risk of bleeding. 


  • Please exfoliate the treatment area thoroughly (but gently) in the lead up to your appointment to prepare your skin.

  • Best to avoid alcohol for 24 hours prior to your appointment and avoid caffeine on the day of your appointment. Caffeine and alcohol can cause excessive bleeding and heighten pain receptors.

  • Avoid excessive sun exposure and tanning for one week prior to your procedure.

  • Do not take any blood thinning medication (including fish oil) in the week leading up to your appointment.

  • If you are on regular medication, including both prescription and supplements, please reach out prior to your appointment.

  • Please do NOT fake tan in the week prior to your appointment.

  • It's essential that your skin is as close to your natural skin colour as possible.


  • Do not use any soaps, moisturisers or lotions on the area for at least the first 5 days. Gently pat the area dry with a clean towel after showering. 

  • Do not have hot showers during the first week. Warm water for short periods is fine. 

  • Avoid touching the treated area. You'll still have an open would that is at risk of infection if not properly cared for.

  • If you've had a camouflage treatment, please avoid heavy sweating (cardio exercise, sauna, swimming etc) for 2 weeks. Saline (salt) will reject the pigment and accelerate fading. 

  • Do not try to cover the treated area with makeup, while healing.

  • Please wear clean clothes and use clean bed linen to minimise risk of infection.

  • Do not pick at any scabbing. This can cause negative trauma to your skin and if you've had camouflage treatment, picking scabs may lift the pigment and affect evenness of healed colour.

  • Once healed, SPF and soothing moisturisers can help retain pigment. Lasers and AHA's on or around area may cause the tattoo pigment to fade quicker or to even change colour.


We take before, during and after photos of our clients for our records. These photos are kept securely on your individual file and only available for others to view under the following circumstances:

  1. You give us permission to use your beautiful images/videos for marketing purposes.

  2. If we crop images of the treated area (so that there are no recognisable features) for client reference. E.g. a client has a similar scar or wants a similar colour and has asked to see examples.




You can usually find ample parking around the back entrance of our clinic, next to North Brighton train station.

However, we recommend allowing ample time to ensure you find adequate parking (at least 2P) so that you can arrive at your appointment on time and without rushing.


Google Maps link





If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to email or phone/text 0450 035 798 prior to your appointment.


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